Cut Down Time Debugging With Rich Error Types

Ryan James Spencer

Have you ever spent a considerable amount of time tracking down the meaning of an error flag or code after a program has crashed? In languages that don't let you break down values with pattern matching, booleans and error codes run rampant and require extra investigative effort on the part of the programmer. Diagnosing problems in programs doesn't have to be hard in Rust given we have Result to carry along lots of useful information for us.

There was a recent video on why std::process::exit is 'evil' demonstrating that by requesting normal or abnormal termination by the operating system through std::process::exit you could fail to do cleanup that the operating system may fail to do. I would say std::process::exit is quirky rather than evil here because it is doing exactly what you ask of it. The example is roughly like this:

struct Resource(i32);

impl Drop for Resource {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("cleaning up resource: {}", self.0);

enum Error {

impl Error {
    pub fn exit_code(self) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Error::Foo => 114,

fn main() {
    let _x = Resource(0);
    println!("about to terminate the process");
    std::process::exit(1); // "cleaning up resource: 0" never prints.

In the above code, the destructor for Resource never runs because the program is effectively terminated at the point that std::process::exit is called. It's a blunt tool, and can be used for both zero and non-zero exit codes, which in an operating system execution context can roughly relate to success or failure respectively. Exit codes allow both minimal diagnostic information and sometimes even a way to handle control flow, as is the case with driving git bisect automatically.

Some resources definitely need cleanup on program failure and the solution is to wrap the main logic in another function, preferably one that returns Result, to ensure the resources go out of scope before calling std::process::exit. The solution given in the video has this function returning an exit code (an i32) for it's error:

struct Resource(i32);

impl Drop for Resource {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("cleaning up resource: {}", self.0);

fn run() -> Result<(), i32> {
    let _x = Resource(0);

fn main() {
    let _x = Resource(0);
    run().unwrap_or_else(|exit_code| {
        println!("about to terminate the process");

Now we have destructors running on exit, but we have totally lost relevant human readable diagnostic information in the process. By using richer types for our errors we gain that information back:

use std::fmt::{Formatter, Display};

struct Resource(i32);

impl Drop for Resource {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("cleaning up resource: {}", self.0);

enum Error {

impl Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
        match self {
            Error::MissingData => write!(f, "could not find any data"),

impl Error {
    pub fn exit_code(self) -> i32 {
        match self {
            Error::MissingData => 114,

fn start() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let _x = Resource(0);
    return Err(Error::MissingData);

fn main() {
    let _x = Resource(0);
    start().unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        println!("about to terminate the process");
        eprintln!("[program] {}", e);


In the above code we can propagate failures from various parts of our program and we don't have to lose that information that is useful for diagnostics. By using a method to map the error to an exit code, we decide to shed that information at the point when we call std::process::exit, allowing us to print out our error onto stderr or pattern match on it to do emit metrics, and so on. If you want to avoid the headache of tracking down bugs in production systems, keep information as semantically rich as possible for as long as possible. If you think of a program like a parser that builds up values from external input or stimuli, then you want to take advantage of that work for as long as possible and only discard it at the fringes.

Astute readers will note that what I've we've written above is the Termination trait that is pending stabilization but I personally feel teaching others how to get similar results without having to rely on unstable features is a reasonable tradeoff. When std::process::Termination stabalizes I'll be sure to give this article a refresher.