The Many Uses Of The Empty Tuple

Ryan James Spencer

For newcomers to Rust unfamiliar with the empty tuple (()), it can be a confusing type; what's the point of this thing and how can I use it idiomatically rather than having to endure its presence? Here are some common patterns where unit actually plays a helpful role in both guiding program construction, helping with readability, and even reducing unnecessary memory allocations.

A Primer

If you feel comfortable with unit or don't really care about the nuances, feel free to skip this section, but it is short and recommended as it informs the tips below.

The empty tuple (()), sometimes affectionately, and historically, referred to as unit, as I will call it for the rest of this article, describes the type of something that does have a value, but a value you don't care about. The empty tuple is perfect for these situations because it can never carry any information with it, but it is different to the never (!) type in Rust because the never type designates the type of things that can never be constructed (hence the name). Thus, functions that may never return are technically !, but functions that perform some sort of effect are (). The void keyword fills a similar role to unit in C-derived languages, but unit has the advantage of being usable in type annotations, which we'll see come in handy later.

For starters, () is both the type and the value of the type. Sometimes unit is implicit, such as when you write a function with no return type, or when you slap a semicolon on an expression. In Rust, a great many things are expressions, which means they have values and therefore have types. For example, assigning to an assignment, such as in the case let x = let y = 12; gives us y = 12 and x = () as an assignment expression itself has type unit. For each example we don't care about the value and only care about the action that took place (the action of the function invoked or the expression that was run, the act of assigning a value to a variable name, and so on.)

Why Use An If-Let?

if-let let's us combine both the niceties of pattern matching with a match statement, without having to be explicit about fall-through cases. If you are pattern matching only to perform some action at the end, you can be more concise and simply turn this:

fn side_effect() {
  println!("a side effect");

let connection = socket.accept();

match connection {
  Ok(_) => side_effect(),
  _ => (),

Into this:

fn side_effect() {
  println!("a side effect");

let connection = socket.accept();

if let Ok(_) = connection {

Given that we used a semicolon on side_effect it would have compiled just as fine if we had a return value from side_effect, unless you use Result which is marked as must_use in the compiler, forcing you to deal with the errors that may crop up. In that case, if you truly wanted to ignore a return value of a function, you could do let _ = side_effect(); instead.

Clarifying The Presence And Reason Of Why Things Failed

One common mistake that newbies will make is to avoid error handling with Result in favor of simply having functions that return () and panicking via expect or unwrap et. al. () tends to designate that things are not going to blow up at runtime, and so this type is actually the wrong thing to signal to other peers. Rust has a type called ! or "never" that implies that something may never return or fail ("infallible").

A simple flow chart for choosing a type for error handling could go something like this:

  1. Nothing obvious in the code path in question is going to fail, including via panics, e.g. with unwrap, expect, etc.: use ()

  2. I know this might fail and I

    1. Want to know why: use Result
    2. Only care about the presence or absence of something: use Option
  3. I know this is going to live forever and never return (like a socket connection): use !

Although I don't commonly see the third case used as often as the prevalence of the first and second cases, I do think it is useful to signal to others that something is going to loop indefinitely, replace the current process with exec, and so on. It currently requires a crate attribute, which may be enough to keep you away from using it until it lands on stable without the need for the annotation.

The Traverse Trick

There is a common pattern in Haskell called traverse. A way to think about it is like turning a collection of things inside out. For example, if we have a Vec<Result<T, E>> we can 'traverse' on this collection, treating it's values as inputs to a function, and turn it into a Result<Vec<T>, E> instead. This is wildly useful, and you can extend this pattern for your own types and collections, too, but one common use case is a function that returns Result<T, E> that we want to run over several elements:

struct Error;

fn may_fail(x: i32) -> Result<i32, Error> {

fn main() {
  let inputs = vec![1, 2, 3];
  let outputs: Result<Vec<i32>, Error> = inputs.into_iter().map(may_fail).collect();

What if we didn't want the outputs? What if all we wanted to do was to run may_fail for the effects it produces? We could change this around:

struct Error;

fn may_fail(x: i32) -> Result<i32, Error> {

fn main() {
  let inputs = vec![1, 2, 3];
  Result<Vec<i32>, Error> =
  inputs.into_iter().map(|i| { may_fail(i).map(|_| ()) }).collect::<Result<Vec<()>, Error>>();

But now we are allocating a vector just to fill in all the units. Let's fix that:

struct Error;

fn may_fail(x: i32) -> Result<i32, Error> {

fn main() {
  let inputs = vec![1, 2, 3];
  Result<Vec<i32>, Error> =
  inputs.into_iter().map(|i| { may_fail(i); }).collect::<Result<(), Error>>();

This version is specialized as it will never allocate; no collection is being created and each () type can be optimized away by the compiler as having no bearing on program semantics.

You can similarly do this for Option, and, as mentioned, can implement the same trick for your own custom types.

Figuring Out Types With Invalid Annotations

This one is particularly helpful if you are not using something like rust-analyzer or the like. If you prefer to simply run the compiler in a loop, such as with cargo watch, you can get immediate feedback on the type of something by assigning the value to an invalid type, such as:

main() {
  let x: () = mystery();

You just want to use some type of annotation you are absolutely sure this thing is not, and most things are not unit. If unit doesn't work, you can switch it up to other unlikely things: u128, ! (requires crate attribute), and on and on. If you know the thing is a collection, try a scalar value. Usually it doesn't take much guesswork to get the compiler to spit something out, but you will wind up with something like the following:

   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
6 |     let x: () = mystery();
  |            --   ^^^^^^^^^ expected `()`, found struct `BTreeSet`
  |            |
  |            expected due to this
  = note: expected unit type `()`
                found struct `BTreeSet<i32>`

Above we see what we claimed was the real type and what the compiler inferred or realized is the real type. You can flip this trick on the head, too. With generics it can be easy for types to become things you didn't quite intend simply by how they got used in other contexts, hence it can be helpful to sprinkle around annotations in code to be really clear on precisely what final shape(s) you are expecting to deal with.