When to move, copy, or clone?

Ryan James Spencer

Do you understand ownership and borrowing in theory but find it hard in practice? Do the differences between things like iter and into_iter still confuse you? Maybe the difference between Copy and Clone is still unclear? I will shed some light on practical examples that should help you gain a better grip on owning and borrowing values.

As you may know, all values in Rust need an owner. Owners are about responsibility; some resource, usually, but not always, memory, is allocated and the responsibility for releasing it is up to the owner. Ownership, or rather, responsibility, is only transferred on a move, hence borrowing, not counting towards releasing resources, is a view into the data. Rust's borrowing rules mimic the solution to the readers-writers problem of concurrency; there may be any number of readers but no writers and only ever one writer and no readers. These two states are the same as immutable borrows and mutable borrows, respectively.

When we rebind values that aren't Copy, by default we use move semantics and transfer ownership to the new identifier. However, if somthing is Copy this action now performs a bit-wise copy of the contents. An i64 that is re-assigned to a new variable will be a bit-wise copy. Contrast this to Clone where the copying is explicit with the call to Clone. Thus both Clone and Copy signify copying of some kind, whether cheap or expensive, but the choice is dependent on when the copying is preferred.


  1. I borrow values to avoid producing new values. In other words, I re-use values that are already hanging around so as not to be wasteful with allocations.

  2. I copy/clone based on how I want to reduce allocations in the face of needing to duplicate data, picking to allocate automatically or explicitly respectively.

  3. I own values when I want total control of the data in question. I like to think of this as data recycling.

Here's some examples centered around iterators to give you a sense in practice.

When to borrow

Firstly, we can make a Vec of references, since the owner still lives while the references live we don't need to allocate any new data.

struct Wrapper {
  id: i64,

let values: Vec<Wrapper> = vec![
    Wrapper { id: 1 },
    Wrapper { id: 2 },
    Wrapper { id: 3 },
let xs: Vec<&Wrapper> = values.iter().collect();

When to clone or copy

Next up, we might want to keep two copies of our values, if we change the Wrapper to derive Clone we can use cloned on our iterator which is functionally the same as .map(|x| x.clone()):

struct Wrapper {
  id: i64,

let values: Vec<Wrapper> = vec![
    Wrapper { id: 1 },
    Wrapper { id: 2 },
    Wrapper { id: 3 },
let xs: Vec<Wrapper> = values.iter().cloned().collect();

By default, most primitives are Copy because it's easy enough and usually performant for the compiler to bitwise copy them. Since our Wrapper type in the previous examples is just wrapping up a primitive i64 integer, we can make it also derive Copy:

struct Wrapper {
  id: i64,

let values: Vec<Wrapper> = vec![
    Wrapper { id: 1 },
    Wrapper { id: 2 },
    Wrapper { id: 3 },
let xs: Vec<Wrapper> = values.iter().copied().collect();

You might use copied if you don't want to write .map(|x| *x) if you happen to have a collection of borrowed values at your disposal (imagine you are passed a Vec<&Wrapper>), this could be handy. The same logic stands for cloned. The case is a little bit different for Copy, though. If we can own the iterator with into_iter then any move of the values will result in a bitwise copy. This is why you will sometimes see the rust compiler complain that a value is moved and doesn't implement the Copy trait: it can't make a copy for you and it also can't re-use a moved value.

When to own

Ownership is the basis of why we don't need garbage collection in Rust. Passing an owned value across several different method calls could make copies or pass pointers depending on what optimizations the compiler wishes to perform, hence they could be memcpys or as copied pointers. Regardless of how they work under the hood, they prevent a host of bugs by ensuring only one thing has the responsibility of finalizing the release of memory.

Expecting owned values is a nice way to push the decision to allocate on the caller. If the caller wants to keep the value it owns, it must clone the value itself, instead of guessing if a clone is happening elsewhere. More importantly, writing code that expects values to be owned exposes the intent that I want to have full control over the memory to do as I please, rather than trying to work around what may already exist. This is why anytime you want to transform something from one shape to another and don't care much or at all about the original shape, taking ownership is the right choice.

struct Wrapper {
  id: i64,

let values: Vec<Wrapper> = vec![
    Wrapper { id: 1 },
    Wrapper { id: 2 },
    Wrapper { id: 3 },
let values: Vec<Wrapper> = values.into_iter().collect();

Note how I re-assign values after the transformation; albeit not necessary, it does let me think a bit less about re-naming the original binding that I can't use anymore.